Tuesday, May 25, 2010

A Long Overdue Resolution of Kwame Kilpatrick's Probation Violation

So it's a prison sentence for Kwame, who (aptly) complains,
"In my own hometown, I still feel like a prisoner."
Perhaps it's the handcuffs?

Seriously, the system has bent over backwards to give Kilpatrick opportunities to come clean, to pay his restitution, to apologize for his past conduct. Time and time again he has been dishonest, hidden assets... or as he puts it, "I'm here because of my confusion with some of the written orders". I doubt that Kilpatricks' order is any more confusing than any other sentence of probation issued in the state, and he's certainly had many more lawyers than most defendants who at various time have surely explained the meaning of those orders to him. And yet he's "confused" about how concealing massive loans, apparently diverting assets to his spouse, claiming complete ignorance about who pays his household bills (including rent on his mansion) or where the money comes from.... Right. Confused.
[Kilpatrick's lawyer, Michael Alan ] Schwartz says allowing Kilpatrick to remain free is vital so that the former mayor can keep his job and continue paying back the city.
That would be at the $6/month rate that Kilpatrick's lawyers, apparently including Schwartz, previously argued was reasonable?

Kilpatrick assures us, "For the first time in my life I'm a great husband. I'm a new guy. and I know there's a lot of people who don't accept that". Maybe he has become a better husband. But that's not why he's on probation. He's not such a "new guy" that he has moved past what got him in trouble - obstruction of justice - as that's in effect what he has been doing throughout his probation violation proceedings. (Becoming a "new guy" is, you'll be shocked to learn, not a particularly unusual claim for a defendant to make at sentencing.)
The judge’s order also raises questions about whether Kilpatrick will continue to have a job with a Compuware subsidiary in Texas. Compuware chief Peter Karmanos had given Kilpatrick a six-figure sales job with Covisint in an office just outside Dallas after the ex-mayor’s release from jail in February of last year. But Karmanos said at the time that Kilpatrick’s continued employment was contingent upon Kilpatrick staying out of further trouble.
As I understand it, Kilpatrick was given a six figure job for which he has no experience, including an advance against future commissions. He also received a massive loan. It's my understanding that since he was hired by Covisint he has made no sales - but he has used his position to argue to the court that he has to live the life of Riley because he has to impress his potential clients. He has been in trouble over his restitution for more than a year.

Do you have any guesses as to why Covisint hired Kilpatrick, the son of a sitting Member of Congress, despite his felony violations and continuing legal problems, and under incredibly generous terms? Or why a collection of powerful, connected businessmen including the CEO of Compuware, Covisint's parent company, would secretly "loan" Kilpatrick $240,000, with the loan put into writing only after others found out about it? Does your guess leave you with the feeling that the principal reason Covisint might part company with Kilpatrick would be that it would be too obvious to continue to pay him while he sat in jail? But who knows, perhaps they can claim he's trying to expand their business into the corrections market.


  1. He wants to be Old King Cole, but he doesn't have a tenth of the required political savvy.

    I have to wonder how long it will be before his wife files for divorce.

  2. Aaron: Covisint has announced that as of the end of the month, Mr. Kilpatrick will not be employed by them . . . no word as to whether or not the job will be waiting for him when he "returns to TX." Ditto - no word as to whether or not Karlita would be offered a similar position.

    Mythago: I'm guessing that as long as her mother-in-law is a sitting member of congress and there is still the chance for graft - I mean her husband to have a reversal of fortune, she's staying married. (My hunch is that she will have no better offers, and her prospects on her own don't look good . . .)

    A more interesting question may be, "How far does the Federal corruption investigation go and when do we have the next ruond of trials?" (Riddle and Conyers have been sentenced; several members of Team Kilpatrick have gone before the grand jury . . .)


  3. Winnie Mandela5/29/10, 11:08 AM

    Sister Kilpatrick is a kindred spirit, her husband a political prisoner of the apartheid state. He shall rise again, this time to be President.

  4. Oh joy, racist trolling.

    CWD - the man is like a perp-of-the-month-club for Wayne County prosecutors, isn't he?


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