Friday, May 07, 2004

"I Take Full Responsibility...."

Why is it that political types can only bring themselves to utter those words when they know there will be absolutely no consequence? I recall when Janet Reno was being applauded in the press because she took "full responsibility" for the fiasco at Waco. Few bothered to point out that acceptance of responsibility where there is no possibility of a negative consequence is... of little consequence.

Now we have Donald Rumsfeld taking "full responsibility" for the torture, er... he prefers to call it abuse, of prisoners at Abu Ghraib, having been already assured by President Bush that his job is completely safe. But wait a minute - the General who headed the prison when the torture occurred was relieved of her command, and according to Rumsfeld's own statement he is no less responsible for the abuse than she was....

Tortured apologies followed by hollow words. What a shining example of democracy.


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