Monday, May 03, 2004

... And What To Do With The Torturers

With regard to "contractors" in Iraq who commit crimes or atrocities, while The Guardian implies a solution that is, perhaps, appropriate....
This leaves a vacuum. Phillip Carter, a former US army officer now at UCLA Law School, notes: "Legally speaking, they [military contractors] fall into the same grey area as the unlawful combatants detained at Guantánamo Bay."
They aren't actually suggesting Guantanamo. Still, when we catch military "contractors" committing crimes we need to do something better than what happened to the "contractors" who ran a sex slave ring in Bosnia.... um, other than a few who lost their jobs that would be, absolutely nothing....

If he's not willing to impose military law over contractors, and he's not willing to have them shipped back to the U.S. and tried under our laws which cover certain crimes committed outside of our borders, and he doesn't trust the "reconstructed" Iraqi system (despite its apparently being suitable for Iraqi criminals), perhaps Bush should grit his teeth, and ship them over to the International Court of Justice.


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