Saturday, July 11, 2009

About Those Attacks on Family

Despite Palin's mewling about "attacks on her family", Did she ever have to deal with anything like this?


  1. What the hell is wrong with those posters?? Oh yeah, they're racist.

    I do find it interesting how, when slamming a female, the words "whore", "bitch" and "slut" (and occasionally, the ol' "c" word makes a cameo) tend to come up. Now I'm noticing how the word "ghetto" is applied to black folks...hmm.

    And WTF is that crap about "I wonder when she will get her first abortion"??? Unlike those who posted, I actually work in a black community and OMG!!!! have black friends and coworkers (not to mention students!). I don't mean to speak for the whole of the black community, but abortion is not a first response to an unwanted pregnancy for most. (Where I grew up, in white upper middle class suburbia, you bet your ass it was). I find that statement really, really odd....

  2. Wait, maybe I should have said prejudiced instead of racist...?? Either way, their rhetoric makes me sick.

  3. "Did she ever have to deal with anything like this?"

    Probably not, but I'm guessing she dealt with a lot more than we would want to put up with . . . and unlike POTUS she didn't get the balm of winning.

    I am kind of curious though, what is the relevance of the fact that she had to deal with less vitrolic attacks than he did?


  4. You would have to be pretty stupid to run for national office, particularly when your campaign is premised upon your character and persona, and not anticipate that your character and persona would come under criticism. I don't think Palin's that stupid.

    You have already forgotten her claim that nobody has suffered attacks like her and her family?

  5. Yep, although it is probably more accurate to say that I never heard the comment in the first place.

    Maybe I just haven't been paying enough attention - things have been busy/frantic at work for a while - but did a majority (or at least a sizable minority) ever really see her as a "player" on the national level once her visibility from the unsuccessful VP run wound down?



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