Monday, June 21, 2004

Calling Chicken Little

Big news from the Heritage Foundation - "The liberals seek to tear our nation apart." Yup. You heard that right. According to President Ed Feulner:
While our troops wage war against terrorists, we conservatives are in a battle of our own – a fight against liberal extremists right here at home.

These extremists are working to undermine the war on terrorism and destroy America’s reputation and credibility around the world.

They seek to destroy the bedrock values of marriage, family and freedom that are the very foundation of our country.

The liberals’ weapons? Activist judges who rewrite laws from the bench. Domination of the main stream news media and entertainment industry. Unprecedented power over America’s classrooms and universities.

The liberal extremists will stop at nothing to attack America’s founding principles and weaken America’s sovereignty.
[Insert eyeroll here.]


  1. You expected moderation and reason from the Heritage Foundation?

  2. Absolutely!

    [Blinks innocently]

  3. I see the pregnancy hormones are affecting your mind.


    But they're right--we do attack the 'founding principle' that dark-skinned people are not worth as much as white folks, for one.


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