Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Unethical, Money-Grubbing Opportunists, Or....

Well, take a look at this story about a Manhattan law firm Graubard Miller's legal fees and conduct toward its client, and tell me what the alternative interpretation is.

(I'm willing to assume that the article doesn't tell the whole story - news stories rarely do. But I'm at a bit of a loss to figure out what part of a theoretical "rest of the story" might make me sympathize with the law firm.)

1 comment:

  1. "But I'm at a bit of a loss to figure out what part of a theoretical "rest of the story" might make me sympathize with the law firm . . ."

    That's because if the primary facts (the firm had already been paid hourly fees for the work in question) are true, there is no justification for the "bonuses" or the contingent fees . . . much less the "gift tax" payments.

    Just when you think that the legal profession can't possibly sink any lower, someone in NY digs a deeper hole . . .



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